7 oktober 2014


T. W. Briggs is known to be a techno virtuoso.
He writes sweet and extremely user-friendly software with handy modular usability.
He says code is sexy. So software should look good.

B. K. Walker is a real watcher.
Constantly observing the behaviour of teams.
He also keeps an eye on government rules and regulations.

Together Briggs & Walker create awesome software solutions to connect,
manage and facilitate your workforce. And with a profound love for mobility
their products are made to perform on any location.
So when your crew sets out to boogie, Briggs & Walker provide the tools for them to shine.
Meanwhile you are able to connect, process, report or administrate their every move.



This company create software for field-marketing. It’s a serious company with a serious product. But in their communication they where looking for a style that would combine the corporate value with the witticism and joy they use to create the software.
I led a brainstorm session to come up with a company name. Then I did the logo in pen and ink.
I was also asked to write the copy for the site.

And for my typography loving colleagues; Yes! I did do a custom ampersand. The Garamond ampersand didn’t really fit the logo.

concept / design / copy / web: Bas Kinsbergen